You are competent yourself: Trajectory of poetry posters

These photos are part of the in-service training program. You are competent yourself! on interdisciplinary working in Part-time Art Education. This process took place in the 2013-2014 academic year and was led by Mooss, organization for art and heritage education. Mooss embarked on these intense interdisciplinary processes with five academies (Eeklo, Vilvoorde, Mechelen and Knokke-Heist).

The photos were taken during the Poetry Posters trajectory in the academy of Izegem. This trajectory was about emotions and consequently also poetry posters. Various emotions were explored and explored in more detail through text and poetry material.

Starting from paintings by Guiseppe Arcimboldo, the pupils were allowed to make a face with fruit and vegetables with a clear emotion. In a sandwich box you got very expressive faces. These were used to write dialogues. From the expression of two (photos of the) lunch box faces, a story was written by the students word and image. These are played from behind a screen with the pictures of the faces as a kind of stick puppet. In this way, it is a very safe way to play and try for all students, including those with little or no experience with recitation.

In the next phase, clear emotions were chosen for each fruit face, and poems were searched and written. It was then made into a whole so that a poetry poster was created.

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